"Bear hunting can be very challenging, but hunters who know where to look and how to hunt them can improve their chances for success," said John Pellegrini, hunter education training coordinator for Fish & Wildlife.
Forrest Hammond, Fish & Wildlife's bear biologist, will present information on bear biology and hunting regulations. Avid bear hunter James Roy discuss hunting methods and will demonstrate how to pick out an area to hunt and where to set up stands. Well-known taxidermists Theresa and Rodney Elmer will demonstrate skinning and caping techniques, proper care of the pelt, game processing, and how to easily remove a tooth for aging purposes
"Now is an excellent time to learn how to bear hunt," said Hammond. "Vermont's bear population is high and the opportunity for success is very good."
Hammond also notes that regulated hunting helps reduce the chance of negative encounters between bears and people. "In addition to providing a great opportunity for people to secure locally-raised meat, bear hunting helps keep bears wary of people and also serves to maintain the population in balance with the available habitat in Vermont."
The seminar will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and participants are encouraged to bring a lunch. Online registration is required by going to vtfishandwildlife.com and clicking on the Hunter Education page and then on "Find the Right Class for You." Click on "Fish & Wildlife Seminars." A confirmation email will follow after registering.
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