"Salmon Sunday is a great chance for everyone to get a close-up look at landlocked salmon from Lake Winnipesaukee in their fall spawning colors," said Fisheries Biologist John Viar. "Kids love to see the big salmon, averaging about three pounds each, and watch biologists collect the eggs."
During the event, fisheries biologists will be busy harvesting, or "stripping," eggs and milt from adult salmon. Standing knee-deep in the cold water of the Melvin River, scientists expertly relieve the colorful adult female salmon of their eggs by stroking their stomachs. Milt from the male fish is obtained in the same way, and mixed with the gold-colored eggs to fertilize them.
This activity is all part of the work the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department carries out each year, with support from the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program, to maintain the landlocked salmon population in New Hampshire's big lakes.
Salmon used for the stripping demonstration are netted from Lake Winnipesaukee during October and early November. They are returned to the lake after their eggs and milt have been collected. The fertilized eggs are taken to Powder Mill Hatchery in New Durham, where they will hatch in three to four months. The salmon are raised in the hatchery for about 18 months, then stocked into Lake Winnipesaukee and other New Hampshire lakes.
Fish and Game staff will be on hand to answer questions about salmon, the egg-stripping process and the stocking program that ensures these beautiful fish continue to be available in the lakes for anglers to catch. Salmon Sunday is a "rain or shine" event. Dress warmly. If you have questions about Salmon Sunday, call 603-744-5470.
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is the guardian of the state's fish, wildlife and marine resources. Visit www.fishnh.com.
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