The Blue Hills Controlled Deer Hunt has been developed and organized in order to address the considerable deer densities within the Reservation. Moreover, DCR’s primary long-term objective and rationale for deer management in the Blue Hills is to reach and maintain an ecologically sustainable deer density that fosters the restoration of native vegetation, promotes healthy habitat for other wildlife, and allows for the continuous growth and regeneration of the forest.
The initiation of a controlled hunt in the Blue Hills is designed to deal with a critical environmental problem and is not intended to provide a new recreational opportunity at the Blue Hills. This is a controlled PERMITTED hunt. Registered hunters who are interested in participating must complete and submit an application. DCR will then conduct a lottery to select permittees. (See below sections regarding the application process and selection process for additional details.)
Also, prospective applicants are strongly advised to read and review the Blue Hills Deer Management Plan by clicking on the following link: Blue Hills State Reservation Deer Management Plan

Organization of the Controlled Deer Hunt
In 2015, the Blue Hills controlled deer hunt will take place over the course of 2 two-day segments (for a total of four days). Below are the dates for each segment:
Segment 1: Monday, November 30th and Tuesday, December 1st
Segment 2: Monday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 8th
Hunters will be assigned to one of the two segments. Hunters selected to hunt during Segment 1 will be allowed to hunt on Monday, November 30th and Tuesday, December 1st. And hunters selected to hunt during Segment 2 will be allowed to hunt on Monday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 8th.
Approximately 196 permits will be issued for the Blue Hills controlled deer hunt. Half of the permits (98) will be issued for Segment 1 and the other half of the permits (98) will be issued for Segment 2. As such, no more than 98 hunters will be allowed to participate at any given time during the controlled hunt.
In 2015, the controlled hunt will only take place in designated areas of the Reservation located north of I-93. The Blue Hills State Reservation Deer Management Plan
contains a variety of maps delineating the areas that will be open to the controlled hunt in 2015. Please review the Blue Hills Deer Management Plan for additional information regarding access.

Management Zones
Designated areas of the Reservation in which the controlled hunt will take place have been divided into 5 management zones. Selected permittees will be assigned to a specific management zone and will only be allowed to hunt within their assigned zone. The Blue Hills Deer Management Plan contains a variety of maps delineating the 5 management zones. Please review the Blue Hills Deer Management Plan for additional information.
Hunting Implements
In 2015, participants will be allowed to use shotguns with slugs only. Buckshot is prohibited from use in the Blue Hills controlled hunt. Archery hunting will also not be allowed during this first year of the controlled hunt.
Tree Stands
DCR highly encourages selected permittees who are comfortable with this form of hunting to make use of tree stands while participating in the Blue Hills controlled hunt.
Antlerless Permits
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) will make antlerless permits available specific to the Blue Hills controlled hunt. Only selected permittees will be allowed to get antlerless permits for the Blue Hills controlled hunt. Once informed of selection, successful applications will be able to purchase their antlerless permits. For the 2015 controlled hunt, selected permittees much purchase two antlerless permits and be willing to take an antlerless deer to participate in the management hunt.
Registered hunters may apply on-line by clicking on the following link: Blue Hills Deer Hunt Permit Application Online
Or by downloading the application and hand delivering or mailing it in to DCR: Blue Hills Deer Hunt Permit Application
The deadline for submitting an application online or by hand is 4:00 PM on Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
Any mailed applications must be postmarked by Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
October 28: Deadline for submitting applications
November 3: Permit drawing to select hunters. Only selected applicants will be notified by mail.
November 12: Hunter Orientation Session 1
November 16: Hunter Orientation Session 2
Segment 2: Monday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 8th
Hunter Orientation
All selected permittees will be required to attend an orientation session organized and hosted by DCR and its partner agencies. Upon selection into the controlled hunt program, permittees will be assigned to an orientation session at a given time and location. Non-attendance of this orientation will automatically result in a permittee’s removal from the program.
Application & Selection Process
Approximately 196 hunters will be selected from applications submitted.Registered hunters may apply on-line by clicking on the following link: Blue Hills Deer Hunt Permit Application Online
Or by downloading the application and hand delivering or mailing it in to DCR: Blue Hills Deer Hunt Permit Application

The deadline for submitting an application online or by hand is 4:00 PM on Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
Any mailed applications must be postmarked by Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
October 14: Application availableOctober 28: Deadline for submitting applications
November 3: Permit drawing to select hunters. Only selected applicants will be notified by mail.
November 12: Hunter Orientation Session 1
November 16: Hunter Orientation Session 2
Controlled Hunt Dates
Segment 1: Monday, November 30th and Tuesday, December 1stSegment 2: Monday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 8th
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ReplyDeleteLook at the smiles on these peoples faces! What is there to smile about ?This is sick, it's not funny! No one shouldn't be killing the poor innocent deer! They say that there are tomany deers! Just now they realize this it's been a very long time these deer have lives here! All these years and no one said let's hunt the deer till now! Is something wrong with this picture. I say give the deer a new home somewhere else don't kill the poor innocent things because people want to hunt for a sport, the most stupidest sport on the planet is hunting it's ridiculous! This should not be legal no hunting should be legal the poor animals I feel bad for them. They say there are to many deer at the Bluehill reservation well there are too many people in the world but you don't see everyone going around killing them because there's too many people ! This is the most stupidest inhumane thing I've ever heard. Blue hill reservation should be left alone or find a new home for the deer stop the hunting politicians I think they're involved here again