The official 'Ice-Out' at Lake Winnipesaukee was declared Friday, setting a new record for the earliest Ice-Out in history.

Ice-Out on Lake Winnipesaukee is the moment when the ice that has covered the Lake since late December or early January melts enough that the M/S Mount Washington cruise ship could navigate between Alton Bay, Center Harbor, Weirs Beach, Meredith and Wolfeboro.
Ice-Out is anxiously awaited by residents and visitors since it is the traditional start of the spring season, and many Islanders regain water access to their cottages.
The date has been observed and recorded for over 130 years.
The setting of the exact date and time is non-scientific and is now determined by an observer in a small plane from Emerson Aviation that flies over the lake several times a day. When the pilot makes the Ice-Out call it is considered official.
Ice-Out was also declared on Friday at Lake Sunapee. Source: NH1
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