Favorite Trout Lure

Wayne G.Barber My all-time consistent lure is the Thomas Boyuant T 101 Red/Gold and a Al's Gold Fish with a Super-Duper Red/Silver a close second.
Michael K. - Mepps Thunder Bug Dressed either green or gold are very consistent producers of great catches.
Jay C. - A gold phoebe; actually just bought a new one cuz the old one was kinda rusty and about 10 years old.
Andrew N. - If I had to choose from your photo, it'd be the blue/silver castmaster and the phoebe spoon.
Michael S. - I have every one of those-surprisingly the smaller castmaster consistently produces when cast cross current and retrieved steadily downstream or perpendicular to the current in a river or stream- same tactic works great for spinners-try a small rapala or rebel minnow-type lure-that'll bring you a big trout!-fish on all!
Power Baits Chartreuse or Spring Green, Meal Worms, Dillies ,Trout Worms Small Crawlers and Pin Head shiners also will get you a creel limit with this years fantastic trout stockings by all the New England States.
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