In 2016, archery deer hunting season will be extended five days. It will begin the first Saturday in October, run for 28 days, and then continue for nine days beginning the first Saturday after completion of the November rifle deer season.
The archery season limit on deer will be reduced from three to two in 2016. No more than two deer may be taken during the archery season only one of which may be a legal buck, not to exceed the annual limit of three for all deer seasons. One legal buck may be taken during the two-part October and December archery season anywhere in the state. Fish & Wildlife will announce if antlerless deer may be taken during the 2016 archery season.
Beginning in 2016, hunters 50 and older will be allowed to use a crossbow without first obtaining a crossbow disability permit. Hunters 49 or younger will need a disability permit to hunt with a crossbow. The crossbow disability permit is available to a person so physically impaired that he or she cannot operate a standard bow.
This year, as in the past, any hunter who wants to use a crossbow will need the crossbow disability permit.
Also effective in 2016, no person may possess while hunting or use for the purposes of taking or attempting to take, attracting, surveillance or scouting deer -- any product that contains any urine, blood, gland oil, feces, or other bodily fluids from a deer, elk or moose.
Media Contact: Mark Scott, 802-777-4217; Col. Jason Batchelder 802-828-1529
Source: The Outdoor Wire Media Press Release
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