There were 236 schools competing in the NASP archery competition with a total of 2,633 boys and 2,238 girls entered. The tournament consisted of a bullseye target competition at 10 and 15 meters, as well as a NASP-IBO 3D target challenge. In the 3D challenge teams of 12 archers shoot at six 3D animal targets from a distance of 10 and 15 meters, as well as from 4 unknown distances. The team from Ronald Reagan placed first in the Middle School Division in the 3D challenge with a score of 1407.
"It's rewarding to see these very gifted and talented students recognized for all their hard work and dedication," said Karen Holson, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries' State NASP Coordinator. "The level of success these students have achieved is a testimony to the benefits of the National Archery in the Schools Program and its ability to build skills and develop confidence in students."
Along with taking first place in the Middle School Division, one of the team members from Ronald Reagan Middle School, Amanda Kreamer, placed 5th in overall score for Middle School Females in the 3D NASP – IBO Challenge with a total score of 284.
Other Virginia teams competing in the NASP World Tournament were Chickahominy Middle School from Hanover Co; Monelison Middle School from Amherst County; Northside Middle from Roanoke; Atlee High School from Hanover County; Elon Elementary from Amherst County; and Richneck Elementary from Newport News.
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