“Artie’s been sprayed”, were the first words out of my youngest son John Wayne's mouth when he walked in the door. A couple friends were over and I was about to throw burgers on the grill. A quick double check confirmed the reality. The dog had been blasted at point blank range. The acrid smell permeated everything.
In the event of the inevitable, you have no choice but to deal with your reeking dog. Filling the bath tub with tomato juice to bathe your fowl smelling canine is a bad idea. First you do not want to let your dog in the house under any circumstance. You will regret it.
Second, using tomato juice or sauce to get rid of the smell is an old wives tale. Tomato only masks the smell, it does not remove it.
But you are not out of luck. Mix the following ingredients in a bucket, put on rubber gloves, grab the hose and get to washing your pup. A second washing might be needed, but you’ll be ahead of the game before you know it:
- 1 quart of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide (available at your local pharmacy)
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap
We have gone through that and used tomato, then dish soap and anything else we could wash with to lesson the smell, lol. We had a skunk out digging this spring, but no signs of him this summer, so hope it stays that way.