And September is typically a terrific month for outdoor photography, with lots of photo-friendly weather, and the foliage season starting to show its colors.
Picture This: Your Great Outdoors is divided into two age levels, 18 and Older and Under 18. Submission categories include: People in Nature, Birds, Mammals, Other Animals, Plants and Fungi, Landscapes and, new this year, Travel. Each entrant may submit up to five photographs, which must be taken in Massachusetts, at Mass Audubon's Wildwood Camp in Rindge, NH, or on a Mass Audubon-led trip (domestic or international).
One grand prize winner will be awarded a $250 gift card to redeem at a Mass Audubon shop or a wildlife sanctuary, in addition to being featured in Connections, Mass Audubon's member newsletter. Up to 12 winners will win $100 gift cards and at least six honorable mentions will win $50 gift cards, all to be redeemed at a Mass Audubon shop or a wildlife sanctuary. Additional honorable mentions may be awarded at the discretion of the judges. All submissions, regardless of original format, must be submitted online. http://www.massaudubon.org

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